Immersion dans la culture paysanne traditionnelle de la Martinique à Lakou A

Immersion dans la culture paysanne traditionnelle de la Martinique à Lakou A

Les activités culturelles et touristiques ne manquent pas en Martinique. Mais certains lieux proposent des expériences authentiques et inédites à ne surtout pas manquer. C’est le cas de Lakou A au Gros-Morne, qui s’attache à valoriser la tradition culturelle des mornes. Lakou A, une signification particulière  En créole, le lakou…

Logo of the Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme and the French Biodiversity Office

Our financial partners

Our two main partners have complementary missions, which link the two fields of action of Voile Nature, the preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and the development of sustainable tourism. These two public structures accompany us, support us and contribute to the financial effort necessary for the birth of Voile Nature...

What are the local initiatives for the protection of biodiversity in Martinique?

What are the local initiatives for the protection of biodiversity in Martinique?

The protection of the marine environment in Martinique benefits from a lively and varied network of associations. New actors regularly emerge on this ecological scene, to the great delight of the seabed. They work in close collaboration with the institutions whose missions and actions converge with the associative environment.