Unique sea rides
in Martinique
Sailing, 100% eco-responsible and in small groups
to discover Martinique differently.
Imagine... Sailing with the wind, the gentle sound of the waves.
Discover the wonders of our island, its fauna and flora, while respecting our environment and its biodiversity... Admire the Caribbean and Atlantic coasts of Martinique.
Discover our eco-excursions
A direct and privileged contact with our captains to better prepare your day.

TI-BO Sailing Excursions
Xavier vous fait profiter le temps d’une balade sur son voilier, les merveilles du lagon dans un esprit de partage...
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Vous rêvez de parcourir un lagon en pirogue transparente, de découvrir de façon ludique le monde fascinant des écosystèmes marins,...
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Polo and Jessica take you on a journey to discover the wonders of the Caribbean coast. A day rocked by sailing...
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Caraïbes Sailing
De l’apprentissage au perfectionnement, bienvenue dans l’aventure de la navigation !
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Envie de découvrir la voile habitable ou de prendre des cours pour devenir un bon équipier ou un chef de...
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Les Balades de Bon Bagay
En petit comité (8 pers max), naviguez sur une saintoise traditionnelle rénovée, partagez un moment convivial en évitant la foule,...
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Alizés Yoles
L’équipe d’Alizés Yoles organise des balades à bord de yoles rondes traditionnelles pour vivre une vraie expérience de navigation en...
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Pogo Firefly
Alexis and Yan welcome you aboard their racing yacht to discover the lost coves of the North Caribbean....
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Dénébola, Plaisirs Nautiques
Délice and Bastien will take you on an intimate exploration of the islets and the ocean floor. The friendly atmosphere and the discovery of the...
Read moreThe wonder of the water
Click to discover the ecobalades and the assets of each coast of Martinique.

good reasons to sail with us

An atmosphere of calm

A small committee

A 100% sailing experience

Respect for biodiversity

The human experience

Sharing knowledge
An emotional moment!
Our passengers tell us about their adventure.
Our Partners
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